Membership, Register of Business Interests and Attendance Information

As recommended by the Academy Trust Handbook, below you can find up-to-date details of the trust governance arrangements including:

  • the structure and remit of the members, board of trustees, committees and local governing bodies (the trust’s scheme of delegation for governance functions), and the full names of the chair of each
  • for each member serving at any point over the past 12 months, their full names, date of appointment, date they stepped down (where applicable), and relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions
  • for each trustee and local governor serving at any point over the past 12 months, their full names, date of appointment, term of office, date they stepped down (where applicable), who appointed them, and relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions.
  • for each trustee their attendance records at board and committee meetings over the last academic year
  • for each local governor their attendance records at local governing body meetings over the last academic year

Members – AGM

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernorships at schools;Attendance 2020/21Attendance 2021/22 Attendance 2022/23Attendance 2023/24
1Stephen Elliott04/10/2016MembersContinuousChartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (Since 1984)SelfOrmesby Primary School(1/1)(1/1)(1/1)(1/1)
2Carol Barwell
3 Patricia Anderson
Resigned 10/03/2022
 04/10/2016MembersContinuousNoneNoneOrmesby Primary School(1/1)(1/1)N/AN/A
4Gari Finch31/03/2022MembersContinuousN/A(1/1)(1/1)(1/1)
5Lee Brown31/03/2022MembersContinuousNunthorpe Multi-Academy Trust – Executive Principal and TrusteeNoneNunthorpe AcademyN/A(1/1)(1/1)(1/1)

 Board of Trustees

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernorships (& Link Trustees)Attendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
1Stephen Elliott  (Chair)04/10/2020Members4 yearsChartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (Since 1984)

Ironstone Academy Trust Member
SelfOrmesby Primary School
2Lesley Addison (Vice-Chair)04/10/2020Members4 yearsNoneNoneOverfields Primary School(5/7)(1/3)(1/4)(0/1)
3David Atkin04/10/2020Members4 yearsNoneNoneNunthorpe Primary Academy(6/7)(2/3)(3/4)(1/1)
4Peter Robinson04/10/2020Members4 yearsBAM Construction- Former Member

Institution of Civil Engineers – Member

Zetland Primary School (7/7) (2/3)(4/4)(1/1)
5Theresa Smith14/03/2019Members4 YearsNoneNoneNormanby Primary School(2/7)(3/3)(2/4)(1/1)
6Richard Carter04/10/2020Members4 yearsH R Carter and Sons (Since 1992)SelfOrmesby Primary School
Riverdale Primary School
7Karen Deen
Resigned 16/05/2024
04/10/2020Members4 yearsCleveland Youth Association- Trustee (Since 2016)SelfNunthorpe Primary School(2/7)(2/3)(0/2)
8Darren Holmes31/03/2022Members4 yearsThe Enquire Learning Trust EmployeeSelfCEO of The Enquire Learning Trust(2/2)(2/3)(3/4)(1/1)
CEOCarl Faulkner04/10/2020Members4 yearsTrust Employee – CEO  
            Trustee of Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team (Since 2014)

Spouse provides supply teaching support to schools

Normanby Primary School – ended 06/01/2023

Ormesby Primary School – Acting Headteacher (autumn 2022)

Trustee at Ironstone Academy Trust

Trustee at Lingfield Education Trust

Trust Finance and Business ManagerSue Hall
Retired 30.07.24
Not a trusteeNot a trusteeN/ATrust EmployeeNoneNone(3/7)(3/3)(4/4)
Trust Finance and Business AssistantAlison Wilson
Retired 31.03.24
Not a trusteeNot a trusteeN/ATrust EmployeeNoneNone(2/2)(2/3)(1/2)
CFOORebecca MillerNot a trusteeNot a trusteeN/ATrust EmployeeNoneNoneN/AN/AN/A(1/1)
9.Emma Harrison11/12/2024Members4 yearsEmployed by ASCLNoneNone(1/1)

 Finance & Resources Sub Committee

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernorships (& Link Trustees)Attendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
1Stephen Elliott 04/10/2020TrusteesN/AChartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (Since 1984)

Ironstone Academy Trust Member
SelfOrmesby Primary School

2Richard Carter04/10/2020TrusteesN/AH R Carter and Sons (Since 1992)SelfOrmesby Primary School
Riverdale Primary School
3Peter Robinson (Chair)04/10/2020TrusteesN/A

BAM Construction- Former Member

Institution of Civil Engineers – Member
SelfZetland Primary School(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
5Carl Faulkner04/10/2020TrusteesN/ATrust Employee – CEO  
            Trustee of Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team (Since 2014)

Spouse provides supply teaching support to schools


Normanby Primary School – ended 06/01/2023

Ormesby Primary School – Acting Headteacher (autumn 2022)

Trustee at Ironstone Academy Trust

 Curriculum and Standards Sub Committee

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernorships (& Link Trustees)Attendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
1Theresa Smith14/03/2019TrusteesN/ANoneNoneNone(1/3)(0/3)(0/3)(0/1)
2David Atkin04/10/2020TrusteesN/ANoneNoneNunthorpe Primary Academy (3/3) (3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
3Karen Deen
(Resigned 16/05/2024)
04/10/2020TrusteesN/ACleveland Youth Association- Trustee (Since 2016)            SelfNunthorpe Primary Academy(1/3) (0/3)(0/2)
4Lesley Addison  (Chair)04/10/2020TrusteesN/ANoneNoneNo(3/3) (2/3)(3/3)(1/1)
5Carl Faulkner04/10/2020TrusteesN/ATrust Employee – CEO  
            Trustee of Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team (Since 2014)

Spouse provides supply teaching support to schools

Normanby Primary School – ended 06/01/2023

Ormesby Primary School – Acting Headteacher (autumn 2022)

Trustee at Ironstone Academy Trust
(3/3) (2/2)(3/3)(1/1)
6Darren Holmes31/03/2022TrusteesEnquire Learning Trust(0/3)(0/1)

 Normanby Primary School Local Governing Body

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernor atAttendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
1Andrew Stogdale04/11/2020 Trustees4 yearsSpark Tees Valley

Local Academy Chair
SelfDiscovery Academy(2/3)(1/3)(2/3)(1/1)
2Gill Callaghan 10/12/2020Staff4 yearsTrust Employee – NPSSelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(2/3)(1/1)
3Denise Bollands (Vice Chair)14/01/2023Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(3/3)(3/3)(2/3)(1/1)
4Susan Griffin17/04/2019Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
5Andrew Drage08/12/2022Trustees4 yearsTrust Employee – NPS

Related to Staff Member

Alormasor (Chair)
02/01/2022Trustees4 years

Social Worker for NYC

7Georgina Lodge20/07/2022Parents 4 years NoneNoneNoneN/A(2/3)(1/3)(0/1)
8Theresa Smith
(Link Trustee)
Kath Pentney06/01/2023Trustees/ Staff Ex OfficioTrust Employee- NPSSelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
9Tina Hart14/07/2023Trustees/ Staff4 yearsTrust Employee- NPSSelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
10Kate Levett21/04/2023Trustees/ Staff4 yearsOther governance roleSelf(0/1)(3/3)(1/1)
11Lynsey Farrell12/10/2023Parents4 years(1/3)(0/1)
12Elaine Beaumont20/12/2023Trustees/ Staff4 yearsNone(2/2)(1/1)

 Nunthorpe Primary Academy Local Governing Body

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernor atAttendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)

Neil Salter 

10/12/2020Staff4 yearsTrust Employee -NPASelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
1David Atkin
(Link Trustee)
20/07/2022TrusteesN/ATrustee of Ironstone AcademySelfNone(2/3)(2/3)(2/3)(1/1)
2Karen Deen
(Link Trustee)
Resigned 31.03.24
20/07/2022TrusteesN/ACleveland Youth Association – Trustee (Since 2016)

Trustee of Ironstone Academy
11/02/2021Trustees4 yearsRedcar and Cleveland Permanency Panel – Chair  (Since 2009)NoneNone(3/3)(3/3)(2/3)(1/1)
5Sarah Myers20/07/2022Trustees4 yearsTrust Employee – NPASelfNone(2/3)(3/3)(2/3)(0/1)
6Lee Wood11/12/2020Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(3/3)(1/3)(1/3)(1/1)
7Anthony Conlin
(Vice Chair)
09/12/2021Parents4 yearsThe School Data Company


IRIS Learning Trust
SelfBankfields Primary School – 2011 Caedmon Primary School – 2010 Grangetown Primary School – 2021 Nunthorpe Primary School – 2021 St Patrick’s RC Primary – 2015(2/3)(1/3)(3/3)(0/1)
8Joanne Dent31/03/2022Staff (SBM)4 yearsTrust Employee -NPA

Related to Site Manager -NPA

9Carole Jeffels09/12/2022Trustees4 YearsN/A(2/2)(3/3)(0/1)
Exec HTAlexa O’Gara19/10/2016N/A Ex OfficioTrust Employee -NPA

Daughter works as a casual support assistant in the stay and play club
11Julie Hewison24/04/2023Trustees4 years(1/1)(3/3)(1/1)
12Jamie Jones
(Resigned 29/07/2024)
01/09/2023Trustees4 years(2/3)
13Sophie Holland-Francis08/02/2024Trustees4 years(1/2)(1/1)
14Emma Woollams23/01/2024Parents4 years(2/2)(1/1)
15Lauretta Gergely06/11/2024Staff4 years(1/1)

 Ormesby Primary School Local Governing Body

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernor atAttendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
1Patricia Anderson
Resigned 14/06/2024
31/10/2020Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)
3Richard Carter
(Link Trustee)
20/07/2022TrusteesN/AH R Carter & Son (Since 1992)

Board of Trustee of Ironstone Academy Trust
SelfOrmesby Primary School

Riverdale Primary School
4Stephen Elliott
(Link Trustee)
20/07/2022TrusteesN/AChartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (Since 1984)

Board of Trustee of Ironstone Academy Trust

Ironstone Academy Trust Member

Michelle Loughran



4 years

Trust Employee-OPS



11/05/2022Parents4 years




HTAmy Blackburn03/01/2023TrusteesEx officioTrust Employee
Other role within the Trust
SBMTracy CarrN/AN/AN/ATrust Employee – ORM

Related to staff member working in Riverdale Primary through (School House Recruitment)

8Andy Appleyard
Resigned 19/06/2024)
16/10/2023Trustees4 years(1/3)
9Julia Brallisford24/08/2023Trustees4 yearsDeputy Head Teacher at Normanby Primary School(3/3)(1/1)
10Teresa Dean24/05/2023Trustees4 years(3/3)(1/1)
11Jamie Douglas
24/08/2023Trustees4 yearsRelated to member of Governance Support Service

Volunteer as an ambassador of the charity teach first. No conflict.


Zetland Primary (3/3)(1/1)
12Nugun Jellason13/06/2024Trustees4 years(1/1)(1/1)
13Sarah Dean01/09/2024Parents4 years(1/1)
14Lyndsey Taylor04/11/2024Staff4 years(1/1)

Overfields Primary School Local Governing Body

 NameAppointedAppointed byTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernor atAttendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
1Enid Harrison  (Vice-Chair)12/10/2022Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
2Holly Theaker17/07/2019Staff4 yearsTrust Employee- OVESelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(2/3)(1/1)
3Andrew Simpson
17/07/2019Parents4 yearsDirector of Simvus – Software Engineering & IT Consultancy (since 2018) Chair of British Computer Society – The Chartered Institute for IT, Teesside & District Branch (since 2018)Member and Employed by South Tees Hospitals – NHS Foundation Trust (since 2014) SelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
4Lisa Noteyoung20/07/2022Trustees4 yearsRedcar & Cleveland Borough Council Employee

Chair of Local Governing Body at Bankfields Primary School

Consultant at National Governors Association

SelfBankfields Primary School

Lakes Primary School
5Eileen Grimbley20/07/2022Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(0/1)(3/3)(2/3)1/1)
6Alison Dales11/11/2022Staff4 yearsTrust Employee- OVESelfNoneN/A(0/2)(1/3)(1/1)
7Jennifer Stanton09/12/2022Trustees4 yearsN/A(2/3)(2/3)(1/1)
8Sahida Hussain12/10/2022Parents4 yearsN/A(1/2)(3/3)(1/1)
9Lesley Addison (Link Trustee)20/07/2022TrusteesN/ANoneNoneBoard of Trustee of Ironstone Academy TrustN/A(0/3)(0/3)(0/1)
HT Tracy Watson01/10/2018N/A Ex OfficioTrust Employee- OVESelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
SBMLyn CollishawN/AN/AN/ATrust Employee- OVESelfNone(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)

 Riverdale Primary School Local Governing Body

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernor atAttendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings) Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)
1Stephanie Atkinson (Chair)01/09/2021Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone (3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
2Sue Rawlinson
Resigned 21/08/2024
04/06/2019Trustees4 yearsRCTTP – Teacher Training Partnership Tutor, mentoring & recruitment        (Began 2013)SelfNone (3/3)(2/3)(2/3)
3Dianne Carabine
Resigned 05/08/2024
23/04/2019Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone (1/3) (0/3)(0/3)
5Jonathan Clarke10/05/2021Staff4 yearsTrust Employee – RPS SelfNone(3/3)(2/3)(3/3)(1/1)
6Lisa Bone30/09/2022Parents4 yearsNoneNoneNoneN/A(2/3)(2/3)(0/1)
7Richard Carter
(Link Trustee)
20/07/2022TrusteesN/AH R Carter and Sons (Since 1992)SelfBoard of Trustee of Ironstone Academy Trust

Ormesby Primary School

Riverdale Primary School
HTKirsty Reilly01/09/2017N/AEx Officio Trust Employee – RPS

Daughter is employed as School Business Manager at Riverdale Primary School.

None (3/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
SBMBethany ReillyN/AN/AN/ATrust Employee – RPS

Related to the Headteacher RPS


 Zetland Primary School Local Governing Body

 NameAppointedAppointed ByTermEntity and Business InterestsNatureGovernor atAttendance 2021/22 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2022/23 (Including virtual meetings)Attendance 2023/24 (Including virtual meetings)

Attendance 2024/25 (Including virtual meetings)
HTPaul Richardson01/03/2023Staff4 yearsNational Education Union – Member (since 1999)

Trust Employee- ZPS
1Peter Robinson
(Link Trustee)
20/07/2022TrusteesN/ABAM Construction- Former Member

Institution of Civil Engineers – Member
SelfBoard of Trustee of Ironstone Academy Trust(2/3)(3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
2Miriam Fellows11/12/2019Staff4 yearsTrust Employee- ZPS

Related to Chair of LGB (Mrs Leng)

3Elizabeth McGlasson
(Vice Chair)
09/12/2021Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(1/3) (2/3)(3/3)(1/1)
4Jamie Douglas (Chair)09/12/2021Trustees4 yearsRelated to a member of the RCBC Governance Support Service

Teach First Ambassador

Ormesby Primary School(2/3)(3/3)(2/3)(1/1)
5Sheila Leng 09/12/2021Trustees4 yearsDaughter is a Teacher at ZPS

Related to the IAT Trust Business Manager
6Amy Sands30/04/2020Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(1/3) (2/3)(0/2)(1/1)
7Andrea Dixon30/04/2020Parents4 yearsNoneNoneNone(2/3) (3/3)(3/3)(1/1)
8Daphne Skjelhaug09/12/2021Trustees4 yearsNoneNoneNone(2/3)(2/3)(1/3)(1/1)
9Jenna Taylor01/03/2023Parents4 yearsNoneNoneNoneN/A(1/1)(3/3)(1/1)
Simon English
Resigned 31/08/2023
1/11/2016N/AEx Officio Trust Employee-ZPSSelfNone(3/3)(3/3)
SBMTheresa Barnes Resigned 23/01/2024N/AN/AN/ATrust Employee-ZPSSelfNone(2/2)
10Alison Barnes
Resigned 24/10/2024
19/07/2023Trustees4 yearsVice chair and the the link governor for SEND at Outwood Bydales Outwood Bydales(2/3)
HTSarah Morrison Resigned 31/01/202401/09/2023N/AEx OfficioTrust Employee ZPS(2/2)
11Nicholas Harvey11/06/2024Trustees4 years(1/1)
12Amy Ritchie21/10/2024Parents4 years(1/1)