IAT MAT Trustees
There are currently 9 Trustees in the Ironstone Academy Trust.
The Trustees are appointed by the Members. The Chief Executive Officer is a Trustee. There are no other employed representatives within the Trustees, and the Trustees will not exceed the 33% ‘employed within the Trust’ limitation at any time. There will also be no more than 19.9% of the Trustees associated with a Local Authority.
Steve Elliott – (Chair of Trustees)
Steve is now retired, previously he was an accountant in the private sector and also worked for 8 years as Chief Internal Auditor for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council and as Assistant Borough Treasurer for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. Steve most recently worked for 9 years as Head of Operational Finance for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council prior to his retirement.
Steve has the following areas of expertise: Financial management, Risk management, compliance and audit. Steve has served as the Chair of Ironstone Academy Trust since its expansion in 2016.
Lesley Addison – (Vice Chair of Trustees)
Lesley is employed as a Business Analyst working for the Thirteen Group. Lesley’s current Responsibilities include developing, embedding and reviewing a balanced scorecard approach to performance management across the Group, linking to strategic objectives.
Lesley has recent experience of developing and validating system reports to support the performance management framework, recently Lesley has led on implementing the gas servicing module of a new IT system, including data mapping, data validation, processes and performance and the Project Management and implementation of a new integrated HR & Payroll system
The delivery of these major projects demonstrate project management skills and the ability to deliver projects effectively and efficiently on time to budget in addition to managing organisational change, key to the formation of the MAT.
Change management and identifying and prioritising improvement activity. This involves both influencing and negotiating with contractors and stakeholders.
Lesley is skilled at effective communication motivating and developing people.
Being a trained peer reviewer, facilitator, EFQM assessor, having experience in continuous process improvement (PDSA) and being trained in lean systems thinking, ensures Lesley is able to provide effective challenge.
Peter Robinson
Peter is now retired, previously Peter worked as a Senior civil engineer for Bam Nuttall.
Peter is a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Peters works’ experiences mean that Peter is able to analyse data, report on risk, evaluate effectiveness of school systems, outcomes in school improvement measures. He is able to also evaluate the health and safety systems and financial effectiveness of the MAT as he was an industrial site manager for a number of years.
Richard Carter
Richard has spent 25 years farming the Ormesby Hall Estate Farm which is used for both arable and livestock. Richards experience ensures he is able to take a considered ‘long term’ view, contributing to our effective strategic management. He also offers a unique perspective on environmental and community issues.
Richard has been an active member of NFU 25 years on the Governing Body of Ormesby Primary School (long after his own children left the school!).
David Atkin
David Atkin is now retired but previously worked as a British Steel manager and is an ex-Chair of Governors. David is a representative on Local Governors association group and has an excellent understanding of governance arrangements and accountability.
Theresa Smith
Theresa is a Partner at the Endeavour Partnership, a law firm specialising in commercial law. She works in their employment team where she provides extensive support to local, national and international organisations across a wide variety of sectors.
Originating from Teesside, she has a wealth of experience in relation to HR and employment law matters. She is also an experienced trustee with previous appointments across the charitable sector. She is married to a teacher and has two children of school age. She has a passion for driving attainment forward, particularly in relation to providing mentorship for those students who may not have access to any positive role models.
Darren Holmes
Darren is an experienced leader and educator and is the founder and CEO of the Enquire Learning Trust. In this capacity he works with leaders, teachers, local governors and other professionals to enhance leadership, facilitate improvement, foster transformation and generate quality outcomes for young people. His specialism is in developing strategy, practice, provision and opportunity through reflection on action, enquiry based learning and powerful communities of practice.
Darren has wide experience of governance in public services and has actively supported the foundation and growth of 5 Trusts across the north of England.
Darren has written on a range of leadership issues for academic journals and national publications and has presented at national and international research conventions. His previous experience includes more than 30 years as a teacher, school leader, facilitator, coach, leadership consultant and senior local authority officer. He has worked as a researcher and facilitator for the National College and is currently in the final year of MBA studies.
CEO Position Carl Faulkner
Carl is currently a NLE and Executive Head teacher of Normanby Primary School; He has 29 years’ experience of teaching in 4 different Primary Schools. Most recently he has worked for 15 years as a Head Teacher of 2 different schools and previously worked for CfBT as an Additional Inspector. For 5 years he also worked as a co-opted part time School Improvement Partner, Head Teacher Performance Management Reviewer and School Advisor for Redcar and Cleveland Local Authority.
Carl has also been the Team Leader of a Mountain Rescue Team.